- OmegaCube Technologies
- Solutions
- By Manufacturing Problem
- Cant Comply Quality Standards Various Industry Segments
Quality is Paramount.
The greatest challenge for manufacturers is monitoring each quality parameter at every manufacturing stage to ensure a high-quality end product that complies with industrial quality regulations and standards.
A small misstep is enough to affect product quality leading to mass recalls, loss of market reputation, increasing recall and repair costs, loss of normal production and even industry sanctions due to non-compliance. After all, the whole existence of a manufacturer hinges on the quality of their product.
Current Quality Problems that you Face
- Shop floor and production planning personnel work on various different versions of documents.
- Machine breakdown issues, tool related problems are manually recorded and tracked.
- Defective shipments are identified after customer complaints and not proactively identified on the shop floor.
- It is impossible to detect quality issues at each stage of production thereby making quality compliance a difficult task.
- Scrap and rework information are manually recorded and tracked.
- Quality inspections are reactive rather than proactive.
Make Quality reach its Paramount Importance within your Enterprise with OmegaCube ERP
- Digitally record & track non-compliance and quality control data to a centralized location for more accuracy & quick data accessibility.
- Quality inspection can be easily entered at operator terminal.
- Conduct in depth quality analysis for suppliers, parts, shop floor operations.
- Trace inventory/parts right to its source and track quality levels at each stage of production.
- All personnel on a single version of document at all times.
- Easily generate quality control documents for quality audits and inspections.
It is time to stop asking the question,
“How to Comply with various Quality Compliance Standards across various Industry Segments?”
Get Manufacturing under your control with the help of OmegaCube ERP’s other advanced enterprise modules
Our Customers are Our Purpose and Our Strength

Those checks-and-balances just within the quality department ensure better product and delivery for our customers. When you multiply that process discipline across the organization the results are fantastic. And when you give customers a quality product, delivered when they want it, at a competitive cost you sell more.”

Our customers have highlighted the reduction in quality issues ever since we adopted OmegaCube ERP into our system because we are not mixing up materials or revisions. OmegaCube ERP ensures that old BOM versions are inactive and we are using the most up-to-date version of the Bill of Materials.”

OmegaCube has gone to a painstaking amount of work to make sure that we can instantaneously navigate to all the data we need. That applies to the front office as well as the shop floor, which means we’re saving time, doing more work and cutting costs throughout the operation – without sacrificing quality or delivery.”